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Shawn Reilly Simmons...A Deliciously Murderous Interview Part 1

jB: Shawn it's a massive pleasure to rap with you today. Please tell my massive fan base where you
were born, and if you're not there now do you ever return home to visit?

SRS: Thank you for having me. I was born in Bloomington, Indiana, while my parents were students at I.U. We moved to Ft. Lauderdale when I was three. And I haven't been back to Bloomington very many times since.

jB: When did you jump into the writing game and what possessed you?

SRS: I started writing my first book after my son was born. I decided to quit my job at the local newspaper and stay home with him and I'd write between feedings and nap times. I'd always wanted to be a writer and had lots of encouragement along the way—I won best creative writer in high school and a professor of mine in college told me I should be writing novels, back when I was 19 and working two jobs with a full course load, trying to stay afloat financially. Needless to say 2010 was a breakthrough year for me in a lot of ways.

jB: And thank god for the encouragement because you're putting out some great stuff! My wife and I read your first book: Murder On The Red Carpet. We loved Penelope b.t.w. How did you come up with your protagonist and how many Red Carpet Mysteries have you written? How many do you plan on writing?

SRS: (Title Correction—the book was republished by Henery under the title: Murder On A Silver Platter.)

jB: I stand corrected indeed.

SRS: No problem. Thanks for reading it. Penelope was inspired by my cooking and catering experiences, both in restaurants and movie sets. I love Penelope because she's strong and independent, a hard worker and fiercely loyal to her friends and those she believes in.

jB: Sounds like someone I know.

SRS: She's a little bit like me, but over the course of the series she and the other characters have taken on personalities all their own. The seventh book: Murder On The Chopping Block is out now, came out September 17th. My contract has been renewed for at least three more in the series.

jB: You and I met at Bouchercon Toronto (mystery writer's conference) and one thing I noticed is that you really work a room/conference. You light it up in fact. Can you tell us about Malice Domestic and your roll in it?

SRS:Ha—yes, I do enjoy meeting new people and catching up with friends at events. I have a sales and marketing background with many of my previous jobs requiring me to cold call on businesses—which requires you to be able to adapt to lots of personalities and situations, and is good training for initiating conversations. I got involved with Malice when I moved to the D.C. area from New York City. Malice is in my back yard so I registered and went not knowing anyone there. After one of the panels I met...Anne Murphy, Malice's intrepid Volunteer Coordinator, and she asked if I'd like to get more involved with the conference...all these years later I'm the Registrar and PR Chair, and she's still my Malice Momma.

jB: I can see your Catering mysteries on the screen, say a Netflix Original or HBO. It just feels stream worthy to me. Are you pitching anyone in those environs? Do you have an agent out there hustling for you? Anything we need to know of and support?

SRS: I have to admit I'd love to see this too. I had an agent before I was published, who was very enthusiastic about my future career. But she retired and I haven't had another for a number of years now, although I'm considering different agenting options. I will keep you posted.

jB: Yes, please, keep a brother and everyone else out here posted! Now then, here comes a hard hitting curve ball. Where do you come down with truffle oil?

SRS: Ha—I'm not a big fan of truffle oil. But I do love truffles! Especially Black Truffle Pecorino...I have a well-documented cheese addiction.

jB: Hmm, I can dig that Black part being a brother and all—and my wife's Italian so...I think you may have a convert over here.

**Find Shawn at: See ya in part two cats...


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