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Showing posts from February, 2021

An Apple A Day

I wear a couple of hats. One of which is Personal Fitness Trainer. I've got a client whose given me permission to tell a short version of part of his story. Let's call him Dave, shall we? Dave found me on Facebook. He saw one of my demo videos and said, "this guy seems legit, so why not give him a try?" I'm so glad Dave reached out to me. I've come really dig our time together and I have a ton of respect and admiration for him. Dave was 535 lbs. when we began zooming, lifting, stretching, and more, together. I dug into Dave's backstory a little. It always helps for a trainer to have a little intel, but more than that I'm a people person. People's stories, trials, tribulations and journeys fire me up. Dave has been a big lad a long time. At one time he had a different trainer and went from 500 plus pounds down to 400 lbs. "But I lost the weight for the wrong reasons and later put the weight back on," he said. "Wrong reasons? Partner?&