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Showing posts from February, 2019

I'm A Foodie...Oh, Please...

"I'm a foodie," are three words that are way over used. I popped by the online dictionary and asked her to define: a person with a particular interest in food; a gourmet. O.K. let's say we buy that for now. My problem, is far too often my wife and I will hear people utter the phrase with pride from surrounding tables. We can agree that unless their are physical or mental health issues the bulk of us like food and we all need food. And being that we're all in a restaurant with the intent to order, receive, then eat said food this presupposes that we're all in the same 'let's eat' boat. So why the declaration? We're ordering off the same menu but you're slightly higher in brow than me because you have the self-imposed hipster title of f oodie . Give me a break Hipsterville I'm trynna eat over here! If we're in the establishment to stuff our guts then we're either all foodies (hell to the no) or none of us are. Certainly som

Tales Along The Writing Trail

I was past the half way point in the first draft of my first book when I had a screwy conversation with an acquaintance. To be specific he was a friend of a friend who occasionally I found myself having the odd beer with. I'll call this cat Tim because I imagine his mother would call him Timmy well into adulthood. Timmy had his masters in English. I knew this because he managed to work it into more than a few conversations. Unfortunately some cat in the mix mentioned that I was writing a book. Timmy caught wind and wanted in on the conversation. He had questions and wanted to data-dump his wisdom on the subject. "How can you write a book?" he asked. "What's your background? You know I've got my—" "Masters, I know," I said robbing him of the satisfaction of vocalizing it again. "Well, I'm two-thirds into my first draft and people I've shown snipets to have actually dug what they've read." Timmy was perplexed; even