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Big Interview with author Shawn A. Cosby Part I

jB: Hey Shawn, thanks for joining jbbooks blog today. Let's jump right in.
Tell us where you grew up and enlighten us as to when you were bitten by the writing bow weevil.
Shawn:I was born on the shores of the Chesapeake Bay in Southeastern Virginia. I grew up in a small town that was as tough as a two dollar steak but also a fantastic place to learn about life through hard work, family get togethers, and bar fights lol. At age 16 I started putting pen to paper.
jB: Congratulations on your book My Darkest Prayer, I'm certainly a a fan. How did you come up with your protagonist? Did you come up with him and his world at the same time or did you come up with Nathan and build the world around him?
Shawn: Well first of all thank you so much.I think a version of Nathan has always lived in my head. I have always been a fan of the private eye in fiction. As Chandler said, the private eye is the man or woman who walks the mean streets who is neither tarnished nor afraid. It just took me awhile to figure out what world I wanted Nathan to inhabit.
jB: Will we see Nathan again? Are we talking series here?
Shawn: I'd love to bring Nathan back. I think I have a few more stories about the big hoss...and his benevolent sociopathic sidekick Skunk.
jB: I've been into fitness since chasing a soccer ball around as a buck toothed lad in the 70's. Today I feel that if I don't move around that's all she wrote. I'd be like a shark that stops swimming. I've seen you tossing around the big iron online. Describe your workouts and benefits gained.
Shawn: I've always been a big guy. I went from husky to stocky. In high
school I wrestled and played football. I find lifting weights keeps me physically strong but also mentally sharp. At my age I do more lighter weights with higher reps and I love kettle bells as well.

jB: What are you working on now? Any titles dropping soon?
Shawn: I just finished a southern heist novel called Black Top Wasteland that was picked up by Flatiron Books in a two book deal. It should be dropping next summer. I'm currently working on a revenge novel tentatively titled Razorblade Tears, set in rural Virginia about two fathers looking to avenge their murdered sons. I think my niche is broken men with daddy issues lol.


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